“What’s Next” This Week Meeting & Events this week for Liberals and Progressives @ NWSOFA-Indivisible A Guide for the week Week of Dec 26th – Jan 1st (times vary by event)

“What’s Next” This Week

Meeting & Events this week for

Liberals and Progressives

@ NWSOFA-Indivisible A Guide for the week

Week of Dec 26th – Jan 1st (times vary by event)

Your Everyday Source:

Meetings, Events, Hero’s

Deep Dives into the Facts ..

you choose

Just click on the image on the right to see a complete calendar of events from NWSOFA-Indivisible —->>>>>

Monday thru Friday

Daily @ 9 AM


Start Your Day off with great conversations.. We talk“Stuff” of the Day!.

RSVP and Join Coffee & Conversation @ 9 AM

Tell Governor Pritzker and your state Senator and Representative to end public money for private schools

We need your Help…

Take 1 minute

To Act Now: Tell Governor Pritzker and your state Senator and Representative to end public money for private schools




“WHAT CAN WE DO?” In 60 seconds

Action You Can Take Today

Action: Tell Governor Pritzker and your state Senator and Representative to end public money for private schools

To CAll to your Govenor & automatically Contact your Legislator(s) ..

  • Call Governor Pritzker: (217) 782-6830 Dial the number

Action: End Public Money for Private Schools

Contact your state legislators and Governor Pritzker, urging them to end the Tax Credit for Private School Scholarships “Invest in Kids program”. Invest in Kids is really a “back door” voucher program that funnels up to $75 million a year of taxpayer money to private and religious schools. Donors who give to Invest in Kids receive a hefty tax break and Illinois loses much-needed revenue.

Invest in Kids is set to “sunset” in 2023 but pro-privatization forces, such as the Illinois Policy Institute, the Betsy DeVos-funded Illinois lobbying group American Federation for Children, Awake Illinois, Moms for Liberty, and others) are pushing to make Invest in Kids permanent and expand its scope. Support for tax credit vouchers is part of a movement, both nationally and in Illinois, to undermine public education.

Need more information? Illinois Families for Public Education, recently gave an excellent presentation on this issue. A recording of the presentation is available here and you can access the slides here. And a short FAQ on Invest in Kids is here.

Indivisible Chicago Alliance and Illinois Families for Public Schools are part of a large coalition working to sunset Invest in Kids. And we are asking your help to contact Governor Pritzker and your state rep and state senator to urge them to vote no on any extension or expansion of the voucher program. It’s important to do that this week, as Invest in Kids might be voted on during the lame duck session, Jan 4-7!

Action via Illinois Families for Public Schools

Call 217-782-6830 to Connect to Govenor Pritzker .. Tell’em “End Public Money for Private Schools”

Click here to find your State Representative or Senator’s contact information. Tell’em “End Public Money for Private Schools”

Every Friday at 5:00 – 6:00 PM

“Happy Hour” every Friday @ 5 PM

End your week off with fun,

lively convesation …

What happened this last week.

Click Here to RSVP for Friday’s 5 PM Happy Hour

With Over 5,000 Members in the NorthWest Suburbs of Chicago

Notice: NWSOFA is a 501(c)4,

non-partisan organization.

All opinions are solely those of NWSOFA

Just click above on the red button and donate generously to help NWSOFA-INDIVISBLE organize the progressive agenda that you care about!

NWSOFA’s Twin Snowflake Organization allows for our 24 all-volunteer leads to work Independantly or as a Co-Leads in our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups
NWSOFA’s 24 all-volunteers – Lead our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups – 9 Progressive Issue and Electoral Group leading our 5,000 member organization
NWSOFA | 4152 Terramere Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL 60004