“What’s Next” This Week Meeting & Events this week for Liberals and Progressives @ NWSOFA-Indivisible A Guide for the week Week of April 30th-May 7th (times vary by event)

“What’s Next” This Week

Meeting & Events this week for

Liberals and Progressives

@ NWSOFA-Indivisible A Guide for the week

Week of April 30th-May 7th (times vary by event)

Your Everyday Source:

Meetings, Events, Hero’s

Deep Dives into the Facts ..

you choose

Just click on the image on the right

to see a complete calendar of events from

NWSOFA-Indivisible —->>>>>

(Updated Daily)

Monday thru Friday

Daily @ 9 AM


Start Your Day off with great conversations.. We talk“Stuff” of the Day!.

Click Here to RSVP and get the Zoom link for Coffee and Conversation

Monday, May 1st, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (CDT)

please join our statewide

IL GVP Coalition Zoom meeting

with Josh Sugarmann, Executive Director of Violence Policy Center,

and New York State Senator Zellnor Y. Myrie for a

Discussion on Gun Industry Accountability.

Monday, May 1st, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (CDT)

please join our statewide

IL GVP Coalition Zoom meeting

with Josh Sugarmann, Executive Director of Violence Policy Center,

and New York State Senator Zellnor Y. Myrie for a

Discussion on Gun Industry Accountability


• Gun Industry Accountability Overview – Josh Sugarmann, Executive Director, Violence Policy Center

• New York State Gun Industry Liability Law – New York State Senator Zellnor Y. Myrie (20th Senate District)

• Q & A with Josh Sugarmanna and NY State Senator Zellnor Y. Myrie

Please join our statewide IL GVP Coalition Zoom meeting Monday May 1st@ Noon 12 CDT for a discussion on Gun Industry Accountability.

Every Wednesday at 1 PM Central

“Basic Twitter Skills for Social StormingTraining”

Join NWSOFA-Indivisible as we learn from the Best .. Field Team 6

We cover basics … create timely tweets / reTweet and use lots of premade graphics from FT6

Click Here to RSVP to join NWSOFA-Indivisible Wednesday @ 1 pm Central as we learn Basic Twitter Skills for Social Storming with Field Team 6! ›

IL GVP Coalition Zoom Meeting

Thursday, May 4th | 12:00PM-1:00PM (CDT)

A Discussion on Campaign Against

Assault Weapons & Keep Kids Safe Coalition

A Discussion on Campaign Against

Assault Weapons & Keep Kids Safe Coalition

With Po Murray, Chairwoman of Newtown Action Alliance & Newtown Action Alliance Foundation

Po Murray is a co-founder and chairwoman of the Newtown Action Alliance (NAA) and the Newtown Action Alliance Foundation (NAAF). The Newtown Action Alliance is an all-volunteer grassroots organization formed after the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School to work to bring about legislative and cultural changes that will reduce gun violence, which is a public health crisis in our country. Po is also one of the organizers for the Connecticut Chapter of the Women’s March and she is a board member of GVPedia, Guns Down for America, and Survivors Empowered. Po joined the gun violence prevention movement after her neighbor killed his own mother then gunned down 20 children and six educators at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. Many of her neighbors lost their children on that tragic day.

Please join our statewide IL GVP Coalition Zoom meeting Thursday May 4th @ Noon 12 CDT for the Campaign Against Assault Weapons & Keep Kids Safe Coalition

Join Indivisible Rural Illinois

Thursday, May 4 at 7:30 pm on Zoom.

Lowering The Temperature Of Difficult Political Conversations.

Click here to RSVP for Indivsible Rural’s Lowering the Temperature of Political Discourse

Friday May 5th th 11:30-1:00 PM

“Truth Brigade Sandwich Shoppe”

Join Truth Brigade Illinois for some Social Storming – FB / Zoom this Friday from 11:30am – 1pm

Learn how to create post Truth Sandwiches

Discuss how to fight disinformation.

Click here to RSVP for Friday’s 11:30 Truth Sandwich Shoppe

Every Friday at 5:00 – 6:00 PM

“Happy Hour” every Friday @ 5 PM

End your week off with fun,

lively convesation …

What happened this last week.

Click Here to RSVP for Friday’s 5 PM Happy Hour

Save the Dates

Tuesday, May 11th 12 Noon to 8 PM & May 12th 8:00am – 11am cst

(in-Person & some sessions by Zoom)

Indivisible IL Convening

May 11th Noon to 8 pm and May 12th 8am to 11am

Location: The State House Inn, 101 E Adams St, Springfield, IL 62701

Don’t miss this unique opportunity at the Indivisible IL Convening to connect other Indivisible members, local leaders from across Illinois, Liberals and Progressives. Remember, the Convening is an excellent platform to network, learn about successful campaigns, and collaborate on the issues that matter most to our communities.

If you haven’t signed up already, now is the perfect time to reserve your spot! Space is limited and filling up quickly, so be sure to click this sign up link and complete the registration form as soon as possible.

Indivisible Co-Founder, Ezra Levin, State and Local Political Leaders will be joining us in person at our upcoming statewide convening on May 11th at the State House Inn in Springfield, Illinois! Ezra’s presence at our convening is an incredible opportunity for all of us to gain valuable insights and inspiration from one of the key individuals who started this grassroots movement. As a national leader in progressive activism, Ezra will share his experiences, ideas, and strategies for creating a more inclusive and effective movement.

We also have the opportunity to meet with Indivisible IL executive board candidates and engage with the dedicated leaders who are eager to take Indivisible Illinois to new heights. You will be able to learn about their visions and plans for our organization, ask questions, and make informed decisions as we work together to shape the future of our movement.

We are more excited than ever to bring our Indivisible Illinois family together for this important convening.

Let’s join forces, learn from one another, and prepare for a future filled with positive change.

NOTE: Sessions will be available on ZOOM .. more info to come..

Click Here to RSVP / Register for the Indivisible ILLINOIS Statewide Convening 5/11 & 5/12
Looking for RIDE SHARING from the NorthWest Burbs (Wheeling, AH, Palatine, Schaumburg, Elk Grove .. click here and SAY “Ride Share Needed” – give us your address and phone number in the comments

Indivisible’s Co-Founder, Ezra Levin,

Will be joining us in person at our upcoming statewide convening on May 11th at the State House Inn in Springfield, Illinois! Ezra’s presence at our convening is an incredible opportunity for all of us to gain valuable insights and inspiration from one of the key individuals who started this grassroots movement. As a national leader in progressive activism, Ezra will share his experiences, ideas, and strategies for creating a more inclusive and effective movement.

With Over 5,000 Members in the NorthWest Suburbs of Chicago

Notice: NWSOFA is a 501(c)4,

non-partisan organization.

All opinions are solely those of NWSOFA

April & May Donation are matched 100%

Just click above on the red button and donate generously to help NWSOFA-INDIVISIBLE organize the progressive agenda that you care about!


NWSOFA’s Twin Snowflake Organization allows for our 24 all-volunteer leads to work Independantly or as a Co-Leads in our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups
NWSOFA’s 24 all-volunteers – Lead our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups – 9 Progressive Issue and Electoral Group leading our 5,000 member organization
NWSOFA | 4152 Terramere Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL 60004