Sara Horan and Bill Davis – NWSOFA Chapter Co-Leads
Lots to be proud of…
Lots yet to do..
Our year Closes. The night darkness explodes with lights as the fireworks proclaim “Happy New Year” and for a moment.. just a moment .. we feel at peace with the world.
Then the NEW YEAR DAY morning awakens us and we remember a year of attack tweets and relentless fabrications of an Administration that has repeated them day in and day out .. over and over again .. until some can’t tell truth from lie. Almost
every one of the Issues we so ardently believe: under attack ..
Egah! .. sometimes it feels like it’s just too much!
But, wait, we are not ready to quit! When we look back on the past year, we have answered, organized, protested, lifted our Voices and we have been HEARD!.. It’s it’s not just OFA .. it’s a chorus of Voices from a multitude of progressive and liberal groups that we work with as partners.
Together we are the front line of the battle.. in the streets and in the offices of the local, state and national Legislatures. We are not weak as long as our voices are together and our commitment to our issues resolute.
We all can remember a time where we thought having 10 folks show up at rally or a meeting to be heard on a critical issue .. now 200 to 300 show up.. this many Voices can not be stilled.. and our past messages about Marriage Equality, ACA Healthcare reform, Climate Change, Minimum Wage, Gun Violence Prevention, Equal Pay for Equal Work for Women, and Comprehensive Immigration Reform and our new initiatives on Voters Rights and redistricting can not be ignored.
Yes, We have lots to be proud of in 2017, and yet, we have lots left to do. Join us in 2018 as we continue to create social change. Working together we can and will create progressive change.
The GVP Issues team has been working for over four years keep the conversation about gun violence going forward to take action to change our laws with the goal of creating safer communities for everyone, including our law enforcement officers, in our state and nation. We hold 90 minute planning meetings typically (some exceptions) on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. If you are interested in working to reduce gun violence in America, we invite you to our next meeting. Registration is preferred as seating is sometimes limited.
to help shine a light on the dark shadow of gun violence in America
Saturday January 20
Chicago, IL
The 2017 Chicago Women’s march was powerful. 250,000 gathered in Chicago to raise their voices for for women’s rights.
We still march on! Join us for the Second Annual Women’s March Chicago.
This year women and their allies will once again come together in downtown Chicago to celebrate the spirit of the resistance efforts in 2017 and focus on the 2018.
Help kick-off a program that empowers voters to support women’s rights and social justice and make your voice heard to city, state, and national administrators.
Participants support women’s rights including equal rights, equal pay, reproductive justice, affordable healthcare, affordable childcare, racial justice, voting rights, freedom from violence, LGBTQ+ rights, immigrant rights, fair wages, access for persons with disabilities, environmental protections, and more.
The location for the rally has yet to be set, so keep updated:
Join our Women’s March Chicago group on Facebook. This closed and moderated group is a troll-free zone for timely discussion and late-breaking updates regarding actions, issues, advocacy and more.
“the fight for women’s rights is only becoming more crucial. In 2017, activists, new and seasoned, joined advocates in the fight for women’s rights and social justice. In 2018 we celebrate that movement, and march our demands to the polls.” Jaquie Algee, WMC organizer and champion.
Come join us as we kick off the new year. Special guest speakers from Oakton Community College will present their sustainability program that could be an inspiration for other communities. Invite your friends and see how you can make a difference!
“Hope is not blind optimism. Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it, and to work for it, and to fight for it.” President Barack Obama
Thank You to our NWSOFA Issue Leads in 2015
Click on the above Image to see each lead and the issues they work on .._