OK, OK, You are most likely thinking, we are going to transition this to March Madness in the NBA, or the GOP and Dems Election Campaigns and toss a little Weather on for garnishes. NOPE.. this is all about March coming in like a Lion at NWSOFA. It’s about the Spirit of OFA. It’s about the Energy of OFA’ers. It’s about Commitment of the Northwest Suburbs, Organizing for Action, NWSOFA..
Do you realize your Progressive Issues Organization, NWSOFA, is Built to out-last political campaigns as we fight for those ISSUES that mean so much to poor and middle class today and for the future.
During the last year we were part of the massive effort to get the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) passed and the signing up of over 20 million folks and getting Marriage Equality in Illinois pasted. This last Month (February) we participated and held over 12 Events on Gun Violence Prevention, Climate Change, Immigration Reform, Diversity Outreach and College Outreaches. We addressed the growing Sexual Assaults on College-age Women, and our Fiscal and Economic team studied the BLS, CBO & the Illinois Budget Impasse and made their recommendations. While all this was going on, our Leadership team invested three days learning new organizing skills, On-boarded 10 new OFA Fellows out of 40+ applications, and found time to mount an aggressive “Do Your Job” SCOTUS petitions and call banks to Congress folks who might of forgotten “it’s their Constructionist Duty to Hold Fair and Timely Hearings once the President Puts Forth a Supreme Court Nomination”. This is what we do!
About this March .. Coming in like a LION… So far we have held two events, made several presentations to Colleges, met with our strategic alliance partners and the month is hardly even started. Our seven (7) Issue teams during this month will be holding meetings, discussion local actions, holding events and holding our legislatures accountable. Fun eh! Our Issue teams are working hard on your behalf. So, Please support their efforts by attending and joining one of our seven (7) issue focused teams.
It’s Time to get Up and Off the Couch or Your Favorite Easy Chair, Stop Yelling at the TV Cable Shows and Make a Difference.
Sara & Bill