Sara Horan and Bill Davis – NWSOFA Chapter Co-Leads
Good News And Thank You’s!!
Thank you so much for your support and commitment to the “take 5 to call 5 EVERY DAY, then recruit 5″ campaign. Give yourself a high five.
Together, we came together to stand up against a brutal attack against our health care. We won this fight because we exercised the inherent power-of-the-people.
To share the thanks, please call and thank the following senators that voted with us.
Contact Senators:
1.) Dick Durbin (IL) (202) 224-2152
2.) Lisa Murkowski (AK) (202) 224-6665
3.) Tammy Duckworth (IL) (202) 224-2854
4.) Susan Collins (ME) (202) 224-2523
5.) John McCain (AZ) (202) 224-2235
Even though a few minutes for celebration are definitely in order, we know this is not the end of their determination to repeal the ACA. We have to remain active and vigilant.
To estimate the effectiveness of the campaign I am compiling an estimate of the number of phone calls that were actually placed to senator’s offices. This estimate will include:
contacts with staffers,
messages left, and
busy signals.
Could you take a few minutes to answer the five questions below and return e-mail to me? I appreciate these answers are an approximation.
1.) How often did you make 5 calls in a single day?
2.) Did you recruit five others to do the same and do you believe they made 5 calls?
3.) How much time did the phone calls actually take?
4.) Do you believe it was worth the time and should it be used on other issues?
5.) What are your additional comments and thoughts?
Once again thank you for your support and participation in one the greatest democratic moments in US history. Let’s not stop here.
Very truly yours,
Keith Moens
(847) 255 6050
Dream BIG and we can make BIG things happen!
Join the NWSOFA Team as we protect the gains we made
over the last 8 years and move our
Progressive social issues forward in 2017 … Sara & Bill
Sign up now—->
Coming in AUGUST
Click on image above to link to calendar
Partner Event: CB-IL6 Summer Canvass August Weekends
Partner Event: Creating and Fostering Inclusive Schools
This POP Workshop will be presented by Dr. Stephen H. Mack, Secretary of the Lake County CCSD 46 Board of Education, and other members of the Board’s Diversity Committee. They passed and implemented a comprehensive diversity policy for their District. Learn what it is, how it works, and you your District can do it, too!
The GVP Issues team has been working for over four years keep the conversation about gun violence going forward to take action to change our laws with the goal of creating safer communities for everyone, including our law enforcement officers, in our state and nation. We hold 90 minute planning meetings typically (some exceptions) on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. If you are interested in working to reduce gun violence in America, we invite you to our next meeting. Registration is preferred as seating is sometimes limited.
Join us for our annual summer picnic as we celebrate our successes, enjoy each other’s company, and just have fun! Please bring a dish to share. We will have bags available to play, paddle boats, and great times to mix and mingle. We will also be celebrating President Obama’s birthday! Please bring your family and friends!
Regular Features of the Fiscal & Economic Issue team will Include:
Come get the facts about the economic recovery and the status of ongoing appropriations challenges at both the state and national level.
We have added about 2.2 million jobs nationally in the last 12 months (through June), with 222,000 jobs added in June. In June the (U-3) unemployment rate was at 4.4%, while the U-6 rate was 8.6%.
The U-6 rate is down from a high of 17.1% during the downturn and is close to the 8.4% rate in the fall of 2007 before the Great Recession of December 2007 to June 2009.
The July job numbers will be released in early August and we will be discussing those results at our August 23rd meeting.
In early July the Illinois legislature overrode Governor Rauner’s vetoes. Illinois now has a full budget for the first time in over two years!!! We discussed what is and is not in the budget that passed at our July meeting, but will update things for SB1 (school funding) and other issues that affect Illinois. We will also be discussing Illinois job growth, which showed substantial improvement in June (and revisions to May).
Hopefully Illinois job growth will continue to improve.
Bring your articles and other topics. Come join us for some exciting discussions.
Then come join us for continued discussions at Lou Malnati’s after 9:30 pm. While OFA may not be political, we can discuss the politics of what is happening now at Lou’s.
Bring your family and friends to help us continue our goal of getting our suburban mayors to remain in the Paris Accord:
: We have teamed up with Sierra Club for the Mayors for 100% Renewals project.We will be finalizing our tool kit to use to see what works and what needs tweaking. We are also looking for those of you who would like to help organize other events such as movies or guest speakers to build our knowledge base on this crucial issue. Always love getting new folks to come and make a difference with our NWSOFA Family!.
“Hope is not blind optimism. Hope is that thing inside us that insists, despite all evidence to the contrary, that something better awaits us if we have the courage to reach for it, and to work for it, and to fight for it.” President Barack Obama
Thank You to our NWSOFA Issue Leads in 2015
Click on the above Image to see each lead and the issues they work on .._