NWSOFA August 2015 Monthly Progressive Newsletter

What's Happened
NWSOFA August 2015 Monthly Progressive Newsletter It's Summertime, Sum, Sum, Summertime and the livin is easy,   So the Song lyrics go.  But at NWSOFA the livin is anything but easy. August is traditionally the time of vacations, family picnics, picnics and swimming.  It is also the time as we heat up the attention to our Progressive Issues.  While we continue on all fronts to bring attention to our Issues and make sure the Legislators who are home on their vacation hear from us.  And hear from us they will! The NWSOFA Chapter, had 9 events / meetings in July and we are planning 10 for August (so far). We are also family, a Progressive family and all races, rich or poor.  It's a huge tent and all who enters join…
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