NWSOFA Upcoming December Events – Monthly Newsletter, December, 2015

What's Happened
Climate's Changing ..Are You Listening,   That Seasonal Holiday Song "Sleigh Bells Ring.. Are You Listening, in the lane Snow is Glistening", is a changing to "Climate Change is Happening, without Action the Earth is Melting" and we know, it's not a beautiful sight!  World Leaders are headed to Paris for The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP 11 which is being held in Paris from November 30 to December 11 to make major agreements to save the our land, seas and air.  The movements have grown across the world .. the "Climate Deniers" have lowered their rhetoric and for one 12 day period the fate of our world rests in their hands. Today, we (NWSOFA Climate Change Team and members of our chapter along with Climate groups in the Northern Suburbs came together in Palatine to March, to participate,…
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