“What’s Next” This Week

Meeting & Events this week for

Liberals and Progressives

@ NWSOFA-Indivisible A Guide for the week

Week of July 16th – July 23rd (times vary by event)


“What’s Next” This Week

Meeting & Events this week for

Liberals and Progressives

@ NWSOFA-Indivisible A Guide for the week

Week of July 16th – July 23rd (times vary by event)

Your Everyday Source:

Meetings, Events, Hero’s

Deep Dives into the Facts ..

you choose

Just click on the image on the right

to see a complete calendar of events from

NWSOFA-Indivisible —->>>>>

(Updated Daily)

Monday thru Friday

Daily @ 9 AM



Start Your Day off with great conversations.. We talk“Stuff” of the Day!.

Click Here to RSVP and get the Zoom link for Coffee and Conversation

Tuesday, July 18th, 7:00 PM

NWSOFA Fiscal and Economic Issues group ZOOM on July 18th

Tuesday, July 18th, 7:00 PM

NWSOFA Fiscal and Economic Issues group ZOOM on July 18th

Lots of economic information to discuss at the July meeting:

Job gains continue to be solid – +209,000 in June

Twelve month CPI declining from June 2022’s 9.1%;

Real GDP growth for the 1st quarter was revised up to a 2.0% annualized growth rate.

Crude oil prices have increased with production cutbacks by Russia and Saudi Arabia. This is translating to higher prices at the pumps

Natural gas prices have declined over the last year

Bank issues appear contained

Debt limit resolved until 2025

The Zoom room will open by 6:50 pm. Come join us, catch up on this year’s economic news and share your thoughts.

Click Here to RSVP for NWSOFA’s Fiscal and Economics July 18 meeting at 7 PM on Zoom (Tuesday)

Illinois’ senior Senator, Sen. Durbin, who chairs the Senate Judiciary committee, is acting to rein in our renegade Supreme Court.


We need to thank Sen. Durbin for supporting the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act (“SCERT” pronounced as “sert”), and let him know we wholeheartedly support these efforts.

Please encourage your local Indivisible chapter to sign onto a letter Indivisible is about to send on this.

By NOON on Monday, July 17, ask your local chapter leaders to review the endorsement letter we will be sending, and sign your Indivisible chapter onto the letter.

Read this letter (Light Blue Button below) endorsing the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act


Sign your group onto the SCERT endorsement letter using this form (Dark Blue button below)

Read this letter endorsing the Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency (SCERT) Act
Sign your group onto the SCERT endorsement letter using this form

Every Wednesday at 1 PM Central


“Basic Twitter Skills for Social StormingTraining”

Join NWSOFA-Indivisible as we learn from the Best .. Field Team 6

We cover basics … create timely tweets, Instagram & Face Book messaging / reTweet and use lots of premade graphics from FT6

Click Here to RSVP to join NWSOFA-Indivisible Wednesday @ 1 pm Central as we learn Basic Twitter Skills for Social Storming with Field Team 6! ›

Thursday night’s June 20th @ 7pm – In-Person

D211 School Board Meeting

Please attend & Support

The right wing extremists have not stopped showing up to create divisiveness and attack public education.

We need to keep showing up too to support equity, diversity and inclusion as well as to support our public schools.

Please continue to show up to protect honest, accurate education. Protect public education, students, teachers and the Board of Education.

Click Here for more Information on the upcoming meetings and schedules for D211

Every Friday at 5:00 – 6:00 PM

“Happy Hour” every Friday @ 5 PM

End your week off with fun,

lively convesation …

What happened this last week.

Click Here to RSVP for Friday’s 5 PM Happy Hour

July 25th @ 7:00PM CLIMATE Change July Meeting

Guest Speaker Mike Zanillo “Climate Progress, But Is It Enough ?’”

Click Here to RSVP for July’s Climate Change program 7/25 @ 7 PM

August 19th Noon to 6:00 Pm

NWSOFA 11th Annual Picnic

Save the Date …

August 19th Saturday

Open to all NWSOFA- Indivisible, Indivisible Chapters, Progressive Groups, Liberals, Dems and Especially Candidates and Elected Officials

NWSOFA & our partners groups .. politicians and candidates.

Click Here to RSVP for NWSOFA’s 11th Annual Picnic on August 19th Noon to 6 PM

With Over 5,000 Members in the NorthWest Suburbs of Chicago

Notice: NWSOFA is a 501(c)4,  

non-partisan organization. 

All opinions are solely those of NWSOFA

Just click above on the red button and donate generously to help NWSOFA-INDIVISIBLE organize the progressive agenda that you care about!


NWSOFA’s Twin Snowflake Organization allows for our 24 all-volunteer leads to work Independantly or as a Co-Leads in our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups
NWSOFA’s 24 all-volunteers – Lead our Communications and/or Issue Team Groups – 9 Progressive Issue and Electoral Group leading our 5,000 member organization
NWSOFA | 4152 Terramere Avenue, Arlington Heights, IL 60004