“Look What’s Happening this Week in the Northwest Suburbs” “Revised” Week of February 22nd – February 28th

What's Happened
"Look What's Happening this Week in the  Northwest Suburbs" "Revised" Week of February 22nd - February 28th In 12 days NWSOFA & The Coalition to Restore Democracy  (MTA) Presents "Movie Night"  aa "Pay 2 Play" @ the Schaumburg Library, 2nd Floor, Rasmussen North  March 5th 7 pm - 9 pm (Doors Open at 6:30 for informal Meet and Greet Time) First full NWSOFA Meeting Combined with a Movie Night presented by The Coalition to Restore Democracy.  Like the recent documentary "Citizen Koch," "Pay 2 Play" aims to stir up outrage over influence peddling. Although billionaire industrialists David and Charles Koch aren't mentioned until midway through this film, they and their ilk - wealthy conservatives who push their agendas by pouring cash into the coffers of like- minded politicians - are clearly the villains here.…
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